20 Writing Prompts To Inspire You

20 Writing Prompts to Inspire You

Today, I want to share 20 writing prompts that I hope will inspire you in your writing journey.

Have you ever had to sit down and write a paper for school and didn’t know where to begin?

Or, you wanted to write a new book, but had trouble coming up with the next idea?

Writing Prompts Can Inspire You

We all have at one time or another. Sometimes, all you need is an idea to run with. That’s what writing prompts are meant for. They are there to help you get started, get past the blank page and writer’s block.

Before, I get to that, however, I wanted to give you one other tip first.

Think about what genre of book you want to write. What is the setting? I can take one writing prompt and put it in a different setting and it will be a vastly different story.

For example:

Writing prompt= Joan was in the bathroom brushing her teeth when she heard a loud noise in the living room.

If this is a comedy, what happens next will be very different than if it was a modern day thriller or a historical romance.

20 Writing Prompts

So, here are twenty writing prompts to stir your imagination. Have with them and let your imagination take over.

  1. You are living in your vehicle after losing your job and residence trying to find a way to get back on your feet.
  2. Your sister is cleaning the kitchen counter when she slips and falls on some ice.
  3. You’re busy putting up some drywall in your new home when you are startled by a hand on your shoulder.
  4. It’s stormy outside with a possible tornado coming closer and you are alone at your home.
  5. Your boyfriend finally convinced you that skydiving was a good idea. Now, you are in the plane with the door open and getting ready to jump.
  6. You are on the coast of Nova Scotia photographing a lighthouse when out of the corner of your eye, you see a large whale jumping out of the water.
  7. Your mother gives you a quilt that she received from her great grandmother that tells the story of her part in the civil war.
  8. You witness your neighbor being abducted when you head out to your car.
  9. You are on your way home from work when you hear a loud sonic boom nearby that shakes everything.
  10. You are visiting your uncle in Los Angeles when there is a sudden 7.6 earthquake that shakes everything up.
  11. You are visiting Edinburgh, Scotland for a week and meet nice Scottish man when your rental car breaks down.
  12. You are jogging in the park when you trip over a branch in the path.
  13. It’s been 10 years since you’ve seen your best friends because you moved away, but find out some disturbing news when you see them.
  14. You work as a maid in the early 1800’s in the Royal Palace and overhear something very disturbing.
  15. You are in church listening to the pastor when he suddenly calls you up to the podium.
  16. You and your husband pastor a small church in Tennessee when a member of your congregation comes to you with a problem that you’re not sure how to fix.
  17. Write from the perspective of a homeless veteran with PTSD.
  18. You are a teenage runaway on the streets of New York.
  19. You’re the backup for the lead actor in your first Broadway play. The lead actor doesn’t show up so you have to go on in his place
  20. You are a doctor working in the emergency room on New Year’s Eve and get some very unusual cases.


Writing prompts to help you get out of a rut and to stir your imagination. So enjoy and have fun and let your imagination run wild.

If you enjoyed these writing prompts, take a look at my book “One Year of Daily Creative Writing Prompts”. In it there are three different types of writing prompts for each day.

  • A quick five minute one-word writing promt to get the juices flowing
  • Self-discovery writing prompts to help you know yourself better
  • Genre prompts- a random phrase in a specific genre

Click here for more details.

One Year of Daily Creative Writing Prompts
One Year of Daily Creative Writing Prompts

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