What’s Your Christian Testimony of Faith?

christian testimony

What is your Christian testimony? We all have one and can use it to be an inspiration to other people. As such, I want to share my own Christian testimony hoping that I can be an encouragement to you and others as well.

I encourage you to share your testimony as well. You can do so in the in the comments section below. If you don’t feel comfortable with that, it’s fine, but never be afraid of who you are and who God created you to be. He did so for a reason.

I pray my own testimony will be a blessing to you and inspire you to do the same.

My Christian Testimony

I became a Christian at an early age but always struggled with self-confidence as a result of my body image and letting the opinions of other people take priority over what God’s opinion of me was.

I was also much harder on myself than anyone ever could be. I was always, from my teenage years forward, overweight- sometimes more than others. It was a roller coaster ride. I was always on some kind of diet and trying the perfect exercise. Being overweight directly affected my body image and my confidence in school and in life as I got older.

I always felt like I had to be “perfect” also- in every way. If I made any kind of mistake, it would affect my self-confidence and attitude leading to angry outbursts when criticized and the like.


It seemed like I was always afraid. If it wasn’t for God and my relationship with Him, even as a young teenager, I don’t know what I would have done. He gave me the strength I needed to face one fear after another, no matter how large or small.

It was only when I had my heart and mind focused on Him that I was able to move forward. It was in those moments when fear and depression started to take over, that I knew that I had taken my focus off of God and what He could do and I had put them on myself and what I couldn’t do or on others and their opinion of me.

I kept trying to do everything in my own strength and forgetting that God was there to help me, If I just ask and believe. It’s taken me a lot of years to learn that lesson.


Faith is a Journey

The faith that I have now, has been a journey. I have learned that my weight is only one part of my life, not my whole life. God has given me this body to take care of and I need to treat it like a temple as He instructed, but my confidence is no longer related to how I look or a number on a scale.

Follow Your Passions

I am just now learning to follow my passions, this website being one of them. I spent a lot of time going from job to another throughout my life because I was trying to just make ends meet. Oh, I would try to follow my passions, but many times because my poor self-image, I would be afraid and just didn’t have the confidence to follow through.

God Loves Me

God says over and over again in His Word how much He loves us. I mean He died for us. Think about that for a minute! He didn’t wait until I was filled with confidence or until my body was perfect or until I was rich or confident or perfect.

He died in my place while I was still imperfect- overweight, filled with fear and far from perfect. In dying for me, He has made me, and you, perfect through His perfect love.

If God loved me enough to die for me and

“as far as the east is from the west, so far have I removed your sins from you”

Psalm 103:12


“For I know the plans I have for you…..plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11

then He wants a relationship with us and believes in us.


How can we not believe in ourselves? How do we do that?

By holding on to His promises and by believing in who God created you to be. He doesn’t make mistakes.

So hold on tight with all your heart and all your mind. He will meet you right where you are.

I want to hear your Christian testimony of faith as well. So, please feel free to share your story and leave any comments or questions you may have.

For more on God’s promises, see my post on All God’s Promises are Yes and Amen and for more on your Identity in Christ click here.

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